
The simulation executable.



The simulation runs ns-3.

class marvis.simulation.Simulation(scenario)[source]

Bases: object

The simulation runs ns-3. The simulation is described by a Scenario which also prepares the simulation. It also takes care of preparing networks and nodes.

Do not initialize a simulation yourself. Use the Scenario instead!


with scenario as simulation:

scenario (Scenario) – The scenario to run the simulation with.

scenario = None

The scenario describing the simulation.

log_directory = None

The log directory for all logs

docker_client = None

A docker runtime client for checking whether there is an influxdb running for monitoring purposes.

hosts = None

All hosts of the simulation for mapping in nodes.

This can be used to modify the hosts file.

started = None

Indicates whether the simulation is started.

workflows = None

The workflows in the simulation.

Determined by the scenario.


Prepares the simulation by setting up networks and nodes.

Iterates over all networks of the scenario and preparing them.


Simulate the network.

Aborting the simulation with ctrl + C will be catched.


simulation_time (float) – The simulation timeout in seconds. If set to None the simulation will continue until being manually aborted.

Inheritance Diagramm

Inheritance diagram of marvis.simulation