
LXD containers in the simulation.



Log the container’s output.



A LXDNode represents a LXD container.

marvis.node.lxd.log_to_file(container, log_path, stdout=False, stderr=False)[source]

Log the container’s output.

This opens a stream to the docker container’s log output and writes it into a file.

  • log_path (str) – The file path to the log file.

  • stdout (bool) – Whether stdout should be logged.

  • stderr (bool) – Whether stderr should be logged.

class marvis.node.lxd.LXDNode(name, image=None, image_server='', custom_configuration=None)[source]

Bases: marvis.node.base.Node

A LXDNode represents a LXD container.

  • name (str) – The name of the node (and container).

  • image (str) – The name of the image to use (=the alias).

  • image_server (str) – The server to pull the image off if not found locally.

  • custom_configuration (dict) – Additional configuration key-value-pairs to pass to LXD.

image = None

The image’s name being used.

container = None

The container instance.

custom_configuration = None

Custom configuration values.

command_executor = None

The executor for running commands in the container. This is useful for a scripted Workflow.

image_server = None

The server to fetch the image from. Before fetching from the server, local images will be checked.


Indicates whether a IP stack shall be installed onto the node.

Installing is handled by the Channel.


True indicates that a ns-3 IP stack shall be installed when preparing this node.

Return type



This runs a setup on network interfaces and starts the container.


Create the LXC container.

start_container(log_directory, hosts=None)[source]

Start the LXC container.

All docker containers are labeled with “ns-3” as the creator.

  • log_directory (str) – The path to the directory to put log files in.

  • hosts (dict) – A dictionary with hostnames as keys and IP addresses (a list) as value.


Delete the container.


Setup the interfaces (bridge, tap, VETH pair) on the host and connect them to the container.

add_interface(interface, name=None, prefix='eth')

Add an interface to the node.

Warning: Do not call this function manually.

The functionality is handled by the network and channels.

  • interface (Interface) – The interface to add.

  • name (str) – The name of the interface.

  • prefix (str) – If no name is supplied, the function works out a name by appending a number to the prefix.

execute_command(command, user=None)

Execute a command within the node.

  • command (str or list of str) – The command to execute.

  • user (str) – If a user (name) is specified, the command is executed as this user. Warning: Not all nodes support this feature.


Disconnect the node from all channels.


Connect the node back to all channels.

set_position(x, y, z=0)

Set the position of the node and updates the mobitlity model.

  • x (float) – The x-position.

  • y (float) – The y-position.

  • z (float) – The z-position.

Inheritance Diagramm

Inheritance diagram of marvis.node.lxd