
Physical Nodes that are connected to the simulation host.



An ExternalNode represents an external device.

class marvis.node.external.ExternalNode(name, bridge=None, ifname='eth0')[source]

Bases: marvis.node.base.Node

An ExternalNode represents an external device.

To use this kind of node you need to setup the network before. This includes setting up network bridges that route packages to the real hardware / external devices. Please consider the script.

  • bridge (str) – The name of the bridge (that alread exists) to connect the simulation node to. If not specified, ns3-{name} is used.

  • ifname (str) – The name of the interface on the remote device.

bridge = None

The name of the bridge the external node is connected to.

ifname = None

The interface name on the remote device.

command_executor = None

The executor for running commands on the external device. This is useful for a scripted Workflow.


Indicates whether a IP stack shall be installed onto the node.

Installing is handled by the Channel.


True indicates that a ns-3 IP stack shall be installed when preparing this node.

Return type



This also runs setup on the remote device by setting the IP address the device is assigned during simulation.


Add the simulation IP address to the remote device.


address (str) – The address to assign to the external node in simulation.


Remove the simulation IP address from the remote device.


address (str) – The address to remove from the external node.

add_interface(interface, name=None, prefix='eth')

Add an interface to the node.

Warning: Do not call this function manually.

The functionality is handled by the network and channels.

  • interface (Interface) – The interface to add.

  • name (str) – The name of the interface.

  • prefix (str) – If no name is supplied, the function works out a name by appending a number to the prefix.

execute_command(command, user=None)

Execute a command within the node.

  • command (str or list of str) – The command to execute.

  • user (str) – If a user (name) is specified, the command is executed as this user. Warning: Not all nodes support this feature.


Disconnect the node from all channels.


Connect the node back to all channels.

set_position(x, y, z=0)

Set the position of the node and updates the mobitlity model.

  • x (float) – The x-position.

  • y (float) – The y-position.

  • z (float) – The z-position.

Inheritance Diagramm

Inheritance diagram of marvis.node.external