
Docker containers in the simulation.



Expand a volume string to something the Docker runtime understands.


Log the container’s output.



A DockerNode represents a docker container.


Expand a volume string to something the Docker runtime understands.


key_value (str or dict) – The volume configuration


Return the volume’s name / path and a settings dictionary.

Return type


marvis.node.docker.log_to_file(container, log_path, stdout=False, stderr=False)[source]

Log the container’s output.

This opens a stream to the docker container’s log output and writes it into a file.

  • log_path (str) – The file path to the log file.

  • stdout (bool) – Whether stdout should be logged.

  • stderr (bool) – Whether stderr should be logged.

class marvis.node.docker.DockerNode(name, docker_image=None, docker_build_dir=None, dockerfile='Dockerfile', pull=False, cpus=0.0, memory=None, command=None, volumes=None, exposed_ports=None, environment_variables=None)[source]

Bases: marvis.node.base.Node

A DockerNode represents a docker container.

  • name (str) – The name of the node (and container). It must consist only of alphanumeric characters and -, _ and ..

  • docker_image (str) – The name of the docker image to use. If not specified, docker_file and docker_build_dir must be set.

  • docker_build_dir (str) – The context directory (relative path possible) to execute the build in.

  • docker_file (str) – The (absolute or relative) path to the Dockerfile.

  • pull (bool) – Whether to always pull the image specified in docker_image.

  • cpus (float) – The number of virtual CPUs to assign (1.0 meaning 1 vCPU).

  • memory (str) – The amount of memmory to allow the container to use. Example: ‘128m’.

  • command (str) – An optional command to override the standard command on container start specified by the Dockerfile.

  • volumes (list of dict or list of str) – A dictionary of volumes. Each entry has a name or (absolute) path as key and settings or a absolute path inside the container as value. See examples/

  • exposed_ports (dict) – A dictionary of port mappings. The key is the container internal port and the value can be an exposed port or a list of ports.

  • environment_variables (dict or list) – A dictonary of environment variables or a list of environment variables. If a list is specified each item should be in the form 'KEY=VALUE'.

docker_image = None

The docker image to use.

docker_build_dir = None

The context to build the image in.

dockerfile = None

The path to the Dockerfile.

pull = None

Enforce pulling the image from a registry

cpus = None

The number of vCPUs.

memory = None

The amount of memory for the container.

command = None

The startup command.

volumes = None

The volumes for the container.

exposed_ports = None

Ports to expose on the host.

environment_variables = None

Environment variables in the container.

container = None

The container instance.

container_pid = None

The PID of the container.

command_executor = None

The executor for running commands in the container. This is useful for a scripted Workflow.

property docker_image_tag

A tag for the container’s image during build time.


The computed tag.

Return type



Indicates whether a IP stack shall be installed onto the node.

Installing is handled by the Channel.


True indicates that a ns-3 IP stack shall be installed when preparing this node.

Return type



This runs a setup on network interfaces and starts the container.


Build the image for the container.

start_docker_container(log_directory, hosts=None)[source]

Start the docker container.

All docker containers are labeled with “ns-3” as the creator.

  • log_directory (str) – The path to the directory to put log files in.

  • hosts (dict) – A dictionary with hostnames as keys and IP addresses (a list) as value.


Stop the container.


Setup the interfaces (bridge, tap, VETH pair) on the host and connect them to the container.

add_interface(interface, name=None, prefix='eth')

Add an interface to the node.

Warning: Do not call this function manually.

The functionality is handled by the network and channels.

  • interface (Interface) – The interface to add.

  • name (str) – The name of the interface.

  • prefix (str) – If no name is supplied, the function works out a name by appending a number to the prefix.

execute_command(command, user=None)

Execute a command within the node.

  • command (str or list of str) – The command to execute.

  • user (str) – If a user (name) is specified, the command is executed as this user. Warning: Not all nodes support this feature.


Disconnect the node from all channels.


Connect the node back to all channels.

set_position(x, y, z=0)

Set the position of the node and updates the mobitlity model.

  • x (float) – The x-position.

  • y (float) – The y-position.

  • z (float) – The z-position.

Inheritance Diagramm

Inheritance diagram of marvis.node.docker