
Base abstract class for a node.



A node represents a computer in the simulation.

class marvis.node.base.Node(name)[source]

Bases: object

A node represents a computer in the simulation.

It has a unique name.


name (str) – A unique name for this node.

channels = None

The cannels the node is connected to.

name = None

The name of the node.

ns3_node = None

The ns-3 internal node.

position = None

The position of the node (used by wifi models and visualization)

color = None

The color of the node used in the visualization.

interfaces = None

The interfaces (~network cards) of this node.

command_executor = None

The command executor for running (shell) commands.

set_position(x, y, z=0)[source]

Set the position of the node and updates the mobitlity model.

  • x (float) – The x-position.

  • y (float) – The y-position.

  • z (float) – The z-position.

add_interface(interface, name=None, prefix='eth')[source]

Add an interface to the node.

Warning: Do not call this function manually.

The functionality is handled by the network and channels.

  • interface (Interface) – The interface to add.

  • name (str) – The name of the interface.

  • prefix (str) – If no name is supplied, the function works out a name by appending a number to the prefix.


Do all neccesary steps to prepare a node for the simulation.


simulation (Simulation) – The simulation to prepare the node for.


Indicates whether a IP stack shall be installed onto the node.

Installing is handled by the Channel.


True indicates that a ns-3 IP stack shall be installed when preparing this node.

Return type


execute_command(command, user=None)[source]

Execute a command within the node.

  • command (str or list of str) – The command to execute.

  • user (str) – If a user (name) is specified, the command is executed as this user. Warning: Not all nodes support this feature.


Disconnect the node from all channels.


Connect the node back to all channels.

Inheritance Diagramm

Inheritance diagram of marvis.node.base