A subnet.



A channel prototype defines all parameters for the channel creation and offers a method to add nodes.



A network connects many nodes together and assigns IP addresses.

class, netmask=None, base=None, default_channel_type=<class ''>)[source]

Bases: object

A network connects many nodes together and assigns IP addresses.

It can be compared to a subnet or so. It should also support IPv6 (untested!).

  • network_address (str) – The network base address (and optional subnet mask). An example for this parameter could be "".

  • netmask (str) – The networks subnet mask. It can be used to provide a mask if not already given in the network_address parameter.

  • base (str) – The base / start for the IP-addresses of this network. An IPv4 example for this parameter could be "".

  • default_channel_type (class) – The default channel to use. This can be one of CSMAChannel or WiFiChannel.

channels = None

All the channels in the network.

channels_prototypes = None

The prototypes for the future channels.

default_channel_type = None

The channel type

random_channel_names = None

The list of random generated channel names to avoid duplicates

nodes = None

The list of the connected nodes

allocated_ip_addresses = None

The list of already allocated ip addresses

network = None

The network’s address (containing the subnet mask).

netmask = None

The network’s netmask

next_free_ip = None

The next potentially free ip address of that network moved by base

color = None

The color of the network’s nodes in a visualization.

create_channel(name=None, channel_type=None, **channel_kwargs)[source]

Adds one named channel prototype to the network.

  • name (str) – The name of the channel. If set to None, a random name will be generated

  • channel_type (class) – The channel type. If set to None, the default channel type will be set.

  • channel_kwargs (dict) – The arguments of the new channel


Blocks an IP address.

That IP address will not be assigned to any node.


ip_addr (str) – The IP address which will be blocked.


Get a free ip address.

This returns an ip address which is not already allocated or blocked.

prepare(simulation, network_index)[source]

Prepares the network.

Warning: Don’t call this function manually.

  • simulation (Simulation) – The simulation to prepare the network for.

  • network_index (int) – The index of the network (needed for coloring).

set_delay(delay, channel_name=None)[source]

Sets the delay of a specific channel (if name is present) or all channels.

In case of WiFi-Channels, the distance between the nodes is important. The requested delay is configured at 100 meters distance. If the distance is smaller, the delay is smaller as well (for example half of the delay at 50 meters).

  • delay (str) – The new time for delay in the channel in seconds (10s) or milliseconds (10ms)

  • channel_name (str) – The name of a specific channel (or all channels if value is None)

set_speed(speed, channel_name=None)[source]

Sets the speed of a specific channel (if name is present) or all channels.

Warning: So far this only has an effect before the simulation is started.

  • speed (str) – The new speed

  • channel_name (str) – The name of a specific channel (or all channels if value is None)

class, name, channel_type, kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

A channel prototype defines all parameters for the channel creation and offers a method to add nodes.

  • network (Network) – The network where the channel is located in.

  • name (str) – The name of the channel.

  • channel_type (class) – The channel to use. This can be one of CSMAChannel or WiFiChannel.

  • kwargs (dict) – The parameters of the channel.

connect(node, ip_addr=None)[source]

Adds one node to the channel.

Please note: Every node can only be added to one channel in the same network. Otherwise proper routing is not possible. Use SwitchNode to connect channels.

  • node (Node) – The node that should be connected to the network. It must be instance a subclass of Node.

  • ip_addr (str) – The IP address of that node. If None an random IP from the network will be assigned. If not None the IP address have to be in the range of the network.


Sets the delay of a specific channel.

In case of WiFi-Channels, the distance between the nodes is important. The requested delay is configured at 100 meters distance. If the distance is smaller, the delay is smaller as well (for example half of the delay at 50 meters).


delay (str) – The new time for delay in the channel in seconds (10s) or milliseconds (10ms)


Sets the speed of a specific channel.

Warning: So far this only has an effect before the simulation is started.


speed (str) – The new speed

class, address)[source]

Bases: object

Inheritance Diagramm

Inheritance diagram of