Wireless channel.



A WiFiChannel is a physical (but of course wireless) connection between two or more wireless devices.

class, nodes, frequency=None, channel=1, channel_width=40, antennas=1, tx_power=20.0, standard: = <WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11b: 1>, data_rate: = <WiFiDataRate.DSSS_RATE_11Mbps: 'DsssRate11Mbps'>)[source]


A WiFiChannel is a physical (but of course wireless) connection between two or more wireless devices.

Further information can be found reading the ns-3 source here.

  • channel (int) – The WiFi channel to use. This will be ignored if frequency is set.

  • frequency (int) – The frequency of the wireless channel in MHz.

  • channel_width (int) – The width of the channel in MHz. Valid values are 5, 10, 20, 22, 40, 80, 160.

  • antennas (int) – The number of antennas / spatial streams to use.

  • tx_power (float) – The sending power in dBm.

  • standard (WiFiStandard) – The WiFi standard to use.

  • data_rate (WiFiDataRate) – The WiFi data rate to use. Please make sure to pick a valid data rate for your standard.

class WiFiStandard[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

All available WiFi standards.

See here for further information:

WIFI_802_11a = 0

The first WiFi standard from 1999.

WIFI_802_11b = 1

Standard with maximum raw data rate of 11 Mbit/s.

WIFI_802_11g = 2

Standard with maximum raw bitrate of 54 Mbit/s in 2.4GHz band.

WIFI_802_11n = 6

Standard from 2009 in 2.4GHz band.

WIFI_802_11n_5G = 7

Standard from 2009 in 5GHz band.

WIFI_802_11ac = 8

Standard from 2013.

WIFI_802_11ax = 9

“WiFi 6”.

WIFI_802_11p = 3
class WiFiDataRate[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

All available WiFi data rates.

Choosing the correct and best data rate depends on the standard you are using. The data rate list is incomplete. Please consider reading the ns-3 source here. You can pass another valid string to the channel, too.

OFDM_RATE_6Mbps = 'OfdmRate6Mbps'

Use with WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11a.

OFDM_RATE_9Mbps = 'OfdmRate9Mbps'

Use with WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11a.

OFDM_RATE_12Mbps = 'OfdmRate12Mbps'

Use with WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11a.

OFDM_RATE_18Mbps = 'OfdmRate18Mbps'

Use with WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11a.

OFDM_RATE_24Mbps = 'OfdmRate24Mbps'

Use with WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11a.

OFDM_RATE_36Mbps = 'OfdmRate36Mbps'

Use with WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11a.

OFDM_RATE_48Mbps = 'OfdmRate48Mbps'

Use with WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11a.

OFDM_RATE_54Mbps = 'OfdmRate54Mbps'

Use with WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11a.

DSSS_RATE_1Mbps = 'DsssRate1Mbps'

Use with WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11b, WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11g, WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11ac or WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11ax.

DSSS_RATE_2Mbps = 'DsssRate2Mbps'

Use with WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11b, WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11g, WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11ac or WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11ax.

DSSS_RATE_5_5Mbps = 'DsssRate5_5Mbps'

Use with WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11b, WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11g, WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11ac or WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11ax.

DSSS_RATE_11Mbps = 'DsssRate11Mbps'

Use with WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11b, WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11g, WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11ac or WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11ax.

ERP_OFDM_RATE_6Mbps = 'ErpOfdmRate6Mbps'

Use with WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11g, WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11ac or WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11ax.

ERP_OFDM_RATE_9Mbps = 'ErpOfdmRate9Mbps'

Use with WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11g, WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11ac or WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11ax.

ERP_OFDM_RATE_12Mbps = 'ErpOfdmRate12Mbps'

Use with WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11g, WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11ac or WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11ax.

ERP_OFDM_RATE_18Mbps = 'ErpOfdmRate18Mbps'

Use with WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11g, WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11ac or WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11ax.

ERP_OFDM_RATE_24Mbps = 'ErpOfdmRate24Mbps'

Use with WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11g, WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11ac or WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11ax.

ERP_OFDM_RATE_36Mbps = 'ErpOfdmRate36Mbps'

Use with WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11g, WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11ac or WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11ax.

ERP_OFDM_RATE_48Mbps = 'ErpOfdmRate48Mbps'

Use with WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11g, WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11ac or WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11ax.

ERP_OFDM_RATE_54Mbps = 'ErpOfdmRate54Mbps'

Use with WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11g, WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11ac or WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11ax.

OFDM_RATE_BW_3Mbps = 'OfdmRate3MbpsBW10MHz'

Use with WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11p.

OFDM_RATE_BW_4_5Mbps = 'OfdmRate4_5MbpsBW10MHz'

Use with WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11p.

OFDM_RATE_BW_6Mbps = 'OfdmRate6MbpsBW10MHz'

Use with WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11p.

OFDM_RATE_BW_9Mbps = 'OfdmRate9MbpsBW10MHz'

Use with WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11p.

OFDM_RATE_BW_12Mbps = 'OfdmRate12MbpsBW10MHz'

Use with WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11p.

OFDM_RATE_BW_18Mbps = 'OfdmRate18MbpsBW10MHz'

Use with WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11p.

OFDM_RATE_BW_24Mbps = 'OfdmRate24MbpsBW10MHz'

Use with WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11p.

OFDM_RATE_BW_27Mbps = 'OfdmRate27MbpsBW10MHz'

Use with WiFiStandard.WIFI_802_11p.

channel = None

The channel to use.

frequency = None

The frequency to use.

This could collide with other WiFi channels.

channel_width = None

The width of the channel in MHz.

antennas = None

The number of antennas to use.

tx_power = None

The sending power in dBm.

standard = None

The WiFi standard to use.

data_rate = None

The data rate to use.

property nodes

Return all nodes of this channel.


The list of nodes in this channel.

Return type

list of Node

wifi = None

Helper for creating the WiFi channel.

wifi_mac_helper = None

Helper for creating MAC layers.

devices_container = None

All ns-3 devices on this channel.


Prepare the channel (for logging).


simulation (Simulation) – The simulation to prepare the channel for.

Inheritance Diagramm

Inheritance diagram of