"""Base abstract class for a node."""
import logging
from ns import core, csma, network, wifi, mobility
from ..visualization import Visualization
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class Node:
"""A node represents a computer in the simulation.
It has a unique name.
name : str
A unique name for this node.
def __init__(self, name):
# Check the name.
# The names are restricted to this set of characters because
# the name is used for generating the log file names.
for char in name:
if not (char.isalnum() or char in '-_.'):
raise ValueError('Please only supply alphanumeric names and "-", "_" and ".".')
#: The cannels the node is connected to.
self.channels = list()
#: The name of the node.
self.name = name
#: The ns-3 internal node.
self.ns3_node = network.Node()
core.Names.Add(self.name, self.ns3_node)
#: The position of the node (used by wifi models and visualization)
self.position = (0, 0, 0)
# Install mobility model for networks
mobility_helper = mobility.MobilityHelper()
position_alloc = mobility.ListPositionAllocator()
position_alloc.Add(core.Vector(self.position[0], self.position[1], self.position[2]))
#: The color of the node used in the visualization.
self.color = None
#: The interfaces (~network cards) of this node.
self.interfaces = dict()
#: The command executor for running (shell) commands.
self.command_executor = None
[docs] def set_position(self, x, y, z=0): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Set the position of the node and updates the mobitlity model.
x : float
The x-position.
y : float
The y-position.
z : float
The z-position.
self.position = (x, y, z)
mobility_model = self.ns3_node.GetObject(mobility.MobilityModel.GetTypeId())
mobility_model.SetPosition(core.Vector(self.position[0], self.position[1], self.position[2]))
[docs] def add_interface(self, interface, name=None, prefix='eth'):
"""Add an interface to the node.
*Warning:* Do not call this function manually.
The functionality is handled by the network and channels.
interface : :class:`.Interface`
The interface to add.
name : str
The name of the interface.
prefix : str
If no name is supplied, the function works out
a name by appending a number to the prefix.
if name in self.interfaces:
raise ValueError(f'Interface {name} already added')
if name is None:
for i in range(256):
test = f'ns3-{prefix}{i}'
if test not in self.interfaces:
name = test
assert name is not None
logger.debug('Added interface %s to node %s', name, self.name)
# Set the name. The name can e.g. be used in a container.
interface.ifname = name
self.interfaces[name] = interface
[docs] def prepare(self, simulation):
"""Do all neccesary steps to prepare a node for the simulation.
simulation : :class:`.Simulation`
The simulation to prepare the node for.
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def wants_ip_stack(self):
"""Indicates whether a IP stack shall be installed onto the node.
Installing is handled by the Channel.
:code:`True` indicates that a ns-3 IP stack shall be installed when preparing this node.
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def execute_command(self, command, user=None):
"""Execute a command within the node.
command : str or list of str
The command to execute.
user : str
If a user (name) is specified, the command is executed
as this user. **Warning:** Not all nodes support this feature.
if self.command_executor is None:
raise NotImplementedError
self.command_executor.execute(command, user=user)
[docs] def go_offline(self):
"""Disconnect the node from all channels."""
n_devices = self.ns3_node.GetNDevices()
logger.debug('Go offline: %s (%d devices)', self.name, n_devices)
for device_index in range(0, n_devices):
device = self.ns3_node.GetDevice(device_index)
if isinstance(device, csma.CsmaNetDevice):
elif isinstance(device, wifi.WifiNetDevice):
phy = device.GetPhy()
[docs] def go_online(self):
"""Connect the node back to all channels."""
n_devices = self.ns3_node.GetNDevices()
logger.debug('Go online: %s (%d devices)', self.name, n_devices)
for device_index in range(0, n_devices):
device = self.ns3_node.GetDevice(device_index)
if isinstance(device, csma.CsmaNetDevice):
elif isinstance(device, wifi.WifiNetDevice):
phy = device.GetPhy()