Source code for

"""A subnet."""

import logging
import ipaddress
from ns import internet, network as ns_net

from .channel import CSMAChannel
from .util import network_color_for

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    4: 24,
    6: 64,

[docs]def network_address_helper(network, base): if network.version == 4: if base is None: base = "" address = ns_net.Ipv4Address(network.network_address) prefix = ns_net.Ipv4Mask(network.netmask) return internet.Ipv4AddressHelper(address, prefix, base=ns_net.Ipv4Address(base)) if network.version == 6: if base is None: base = "::1" address = ns_net.Ipv6Address(network.network_address) prefix = ns_net.Ipv6Prefix(network.prefixlen) return internet.Ipv6AddressHelper(address, prefix, base=ns_net.Ipv6Address(base)) raise 'Network version is not IPv4 or IPv6'
[docs]class Network: """A network connects many nodes together and assigns IP addresses. It can be compared to a subnet or so. It should also support IPv6 (untested!). Parameters ---------- network_address : str The network base address (and optional subnet mask). An example for this parameter could be :code:`""`. netmask : str The networks subnet mask. It can be used to provide a mask if not already given in the :code:`network_address` parameter. base : str The base / start for the IP-addresses of this network. An IPv4 example for this parameter could be :code:`""`. """ def __init__(self, network_address, netmask=None, base=None): #: All the channels in the network. self.channels = list() if isinstance(network_address, str): if '/' in network_address: network_address = ipaddress.ip_network(network_address) else: if netmask is None: netmask = DEFAULT_PREFIX[ipaddress.ip_address(network_address).version] network_address = ipaddress.ip_network(f'{network_address}/{netmask}') #: The network's address (containing the subnet mask). = network_address #: A helper used to generate the neccessary IP addresses. self.address_helper = network_address_helper(network_address, base) #: The color of the network's nodes in a visualization. self.color = None
[docs] def connect(self, *nodes, channel_type=CSMAChannel, **kwargs): """Connects to or more nodes on a single conection. This is comparable to inserting a cable between them. Necessary configuration can be passed to the channel creation with keyword arguments. Parameters ---------- nodes : list of :class:`.Node` The nodes to connect on one physical connection. These must be instances of subclasses of :class:`.Node`. channel_type : class The channel to use. This can be one of :class:`.CSMAChannel` or :class:`.WiFiChannel`. """ if len(nodes) < 2: raise ValueError('Please specify at least two nodes to connect.') channel = channel_type(self, nodes, **kwargs) self.channels.append(channel)
[docs] def prepare(self, simulation, network_index): """Prepares the network by building the docker containers. *Warning:* Don't call this function manually. Parameters ---------- simulation : :class:`.Simulation` The simulation to prepare the network for. network_index : int The index of the network (needed for coloring). """'Preparing network (base IP: %s)', if self.color is None: # Color is needed for a visualization. color = network_color_for(network_index, len(simulation.scenario.networks)) self.color = color channel_index = 0 for channel in self.channels:'Preparing channel #%d of network %s', channel_index, channel.prepare(simulation) channel_index += 1