Source code for

import ns.core
import queue
from threading import Thread
from time import sleep
from aexpr import aexpr
import subprocess

[docs]def event(): return Event()
[docs]def e(): return event()
events_on_simulation_end = []
[docs]def execute_events_on_simulation_end(): for event_to_exec in events_on_simulation_end: event_to_exec.start()
[docs]class Event(object): def __init__(self): self.queue = queue.Queue()
[docs] def after(self, seconds): ep = EventPart() ep.type = "after" ep.seconds = seconds self.queue.put(ep) return self
[docs] def when(self, condition, result, global_vars, local_vars): ep = EventPart() ep.type = "when" ep.condition = condition ep.result = result ep.globals = global_vars ep.locals = local_vars self.queue.put(ep) return self
[docs] def check_if(self, command=None, return_code=-1, lambda_expr=None, return_value=None, every=-1): ep = EventPart() ep.type = "check_if" ep.command = command ep.return_code = return_code ep.lambda_expr = lambda_expr ep.return_value = return_value ep.seconds = every self.queue.put(ep) return self
[docs] def execute(self, expression): ep = EventPart() ep.type = "execute" ep.expression = expression self.queue.put(ep) return self
[docs] def start(self): thread = Thread(target=event_worker, args=(self.queue,)) thread.daemon = True thread.start()
[docs] def s(self): self.start()
[docs] def start_on_simulation_start(self): ns.core.Simulator.Schedule(ns.core.Seconds(0), self.start)
[docs] def start_on_simulation_end(self): events_on_simulation_end.append(self)
[docs]def event_worker(queue): def exec_after(event_part): sleep(event_part.seconds) def exec_when(event_part): aexpr(event_part.condition, event_part.globals, event_part.locals)\ .on_change(lambda obs, old, new: process() if new == event_part.result else None) def exec_check_if(event_part): if event_part.command is not None and event_part.lambda_expr is not None: print("In check-if is not possible to have a command and a " "lambda-expression at the same time. Aborting execution") elif event_part.command is not None: return_code =, shell=True) if event_part.seconds == -1: if return_code == event_part.return_code: process() else: while return_code is not event_part.return_code: sleep(event_part.seconds) return_code =, shell=True) process() elif event_part.lambda_expr is not None: return_value = event_part.lambda_expr() if event_part.seconds == -1: if return_value == event_part.return_value: process() else: while return_value is not event_part.return_value: sleep(event_part.seconds) return_value = event_part.lambda_expr() process() else: print("check-if has neither a command nor a lambda_expr. Aborting execution") def exec_execute(event_part): event_part.expression() def process(): while not queue.empty(): cur_elem = queue.get() if cur_elem.type is "after": exec_after(cur_elem) if cur_elem.type is "when": exec_when(cur_elem) break if cur_elem.type is "check_if": exec_check_if(cur_elem) break if cur_elem.type is "execute": exec_execute(cur_elem) process()
[docs]class EventPart(object): def __init__(self): self.seconds = -1 self.condition = None self.globals = None self.locals = None self.result = None self.command = None self.return_code = -1 self.lambda_expr = None self.return_value = None self.expression = None self.type = None # "after", "when", "check_if" or "execute