Source code for

"""Ethernet LAN channel."""

import logging
import ipaddress
import os

from ns import core, csma, internet, network as ns_net

from .channel import Channel
from ..interface import Interface

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class CSMAChannel(Channel): """The Channel resembles a physical connection of nodes. For CSMA this would be equivalent to one LAN cable. All Nodes connected to a channel will be on one collision domain. Parameters ---------- delay : str A time for delay in the channel. speed : str The channel's transmission speed. """ def __init__(self, network, nodes, delay="0ms", speed="100Mbps"): super().__init__(network, nodes) #: The channel's delay. self.delay = delay #: The channel's speed for transmitting and receiving. #: #: Valid values e.g. are :code:`'100Mbps'` or :code:`'64kbps'`. self.speed = speed #: A helper for connecting nodes via CSMA. self.csma_helper = csma.CsmaHelper()'Install connection between nodes') self.csma_helper.SetChannelAttribute("DataRate", core.StringValue(self.speed)) self.csma_helper.SetChannelAttribute("Delay", core.StringValue(self.delay)) #: All ns-3 devices on this channel. self.devices_container = self.csma_helper.Install(self.ns3_nodes_container)'Set IP addresses on nodes') stack_helper = internet.InternetStackHelper() for i, node in enumerate(nodes): ns3_device = self.devices_container.Get(i) address = None if node.wants_ip_stack(): if node.ns3_node.GetObject(internet.Ipv4.GetTypeId()) is None:'Installing IP stack on %s', stack_helper.Install(node.ns3_node) device_container = ns_net.NetDeviceContainer(ns3_device) ip_address = netmask = address = ipaddress.ip_interface(f'{ip_address}/{netmask}') interface = Interface(node=node, ns3_device=ns3_device, address=address) ns3_device.SetAddress(ns_net.Mac48Address(interface.mac_address)) node.add_interface(interface) self.interfaces.append(interface)
[docs] def prepare(self, simulation): for interface in self.interfaces: pcap_log_path = os.path.join(simulation.log_directory, interface.pcap_file_name) self.csma_helper.EnablePcap(pcap_log_path, interface.ns3_device, True, True)